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Me and Kitty's Delight

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, In : Mugs Cups Tumblers 

So i decided i needed a break from the vases, don't worry tho i'm sure there will be more in the future. Muhahahaha

This is me and it was one heck of hot sunny day, i decided to have some water out of my mug named Kitty's Delight and well i'm all finished the water by the time this photo is taken (after about the 10th time i got up to reset the camera b/c i couldn't find my remote for the shutter)

I came inside and wasn't tooo crazy about the SUNNY COLOR - it was just sooooooo bright, however...

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Spinning Slip

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Tuesday, March 3, 2009, In : Creation Process 
Hi there, its me again this time i'm slip-trailing. This piece which is not named quite yet was a wheel-thrown form. The clay used here is JBS which is a nice brown clay, the slip clay that i'm squeezing on with that little rubber thing (i think its used to clean out babies noses when they are first born) is porcelain. I am spinning it to make it run down the pot, which is upside-down. It should be interesting to see after it's fired b/c the runs will then be going up instead of down once the...
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Working a Tisket

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Creation Process 

Hi everyone - sorry i can't wave my hands are full. It's me and i'm working on putting on a textured handle onto my little mug named A Tisket (it has a match named A Tasket). I was thinking about my mom and how she would always sing that song at random moments in my life.

I recently made a pink glaze -shhh don't tell me mom yet tho. Its a surprise since her favorite color is pink, unlike me which my favorite color is actually green. Anyway i'm thinking ahead (which one should always do when p...

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